Sunday 28 July 2013

Explosion in Parachinar kills one, injures two

PESHAWAR: An roadside blast near a vehicle in Upper Kurram tribal region's Pewar Tangi area killed one person and injured two others on Sunday, DawnNews reported.
Political administration officials told that a passenger double cabin pick-up, travelling from Parachinar to Piwar Tangi area of Upper Kurram Agency, was struck by a road side Improvised Explosive Device (IED) near the Pak-Afghan border area.One person was killed while two others were injured in the blast, political administration official Javed Ali added.

He further said that the injured were shifted to Agency Headquarters Hospital Parachinar where they were undergoing treatment.

Meanwhile residents of Parachinar held a protest demonstration in Peshawar against the twin blasts which ripped through a congested market and a taxi stand in the city on Friday, which is the main town of Kurram tribal region.The bombings had killed at least 57 people and injured over 180.The protestors demanded a operation against the terrorists in Kurram tribal region.

The demonstrators also demanded compensation of Rs1 million for the heirs of those who had lost their lives in the bomb attack and Rs 7 lacs for the wounded victims of the bomb attacks.

The protestors claimed that security forces had failed to provide protection to residents and demanded that security be handed over to local Kurram region militia.

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