Monday 29 July 2013

Nawaz criticises PPP for boycotting presidential poll

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Monday said no political party had boycotted the May 11 general elections and the Tuesday's presidential election should not have been boycotted by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) on flimsy grounds.
Presiding over a parliamentary party meeting of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) at the Parliament House, he said the May 11 elections were held on time in spite of extremely dismal security situation prevailing in the country at the time.
The prime minister said that his party has left behind the politics of late 1980's and 90's which was largely based on personal vendetta. He said that presidential nominee of PML-N, Mamnoon Hussein was a man of integrity and commitment and was fully capable of holding the exalted office of President of Pakistan.

His election will add to the respect and dignity of the party, its allies and Pakistan, the premier observed.

Sharif urged the parliamentary members of PML-N to come on time on Tuesday for the presidential voting.

Mamnoon Hussein, on the occasion, canvassed the parliamentarians for voting in his favor. Describing the office of President as the symbol of federation, he pledged to serve the country and its people in his capacity.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction that democracy was taking root in the country with the upholding of rule of law and supremacy of the constitution.

With tomorrow's presidential election, a new president will be stepping into the shoes of his predecessor and this should have been taken in the right stride by the opposition parties. Democratic era has ushered in the country and we have to move on this democratic path steadfastly and with courage by upholding the sanctity of the ballot box.

He also briefed the parliamentary party meeting about his recent visit to China. Enumerating the agreements and accords signed between the two neighboring countries during his visit, he said their implementation will turn out to be a game changer for Pakistan and the region.

The prime minister also underlined the importance of improving the security situation in the country as economic growth and improved law and order go hand in hand.

He said that with improved security situation, the country will achieve economic growth, foreign direct investment and overall development.

Meanwhile, Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Asif briefed the meeting in detail about the current energy situation in the country.

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